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Azmar the Great (Elite)
The Azmar was once a human warrior from Helmirr. He defeated a great warrior sent by the Shadowlord himself to Helmirr. The Shadowlord rewarded him for his skill with a magical gauntlet. It was so infused with magic that it begun his ascension to daemonhood and causes everything he touches to crystallize, even his own Fortress and the land around it. It is said that Azmar is so power hungry that he will do anything to ensure the destruction of Helmirr.
Class:Demon Level:890
Attack:13777 - 13959 Defense:7250 - 7404
Armor:14212 - 14350 Damage:24973 - 25111
HP:72315 - 72933 Gold:252 - 348
XP:5360 - 5370
Reinforced Armor:10% - 20%
Dodge:10% - 20%
Dropped Items
Azmar the Great Amulet
Azmar the Great Helmet
Azmar the Great Rune
Spawning Information
Groul Lands (Crystal Fortress):100%
Additional Notes

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