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Valali Thorn Varanus
The Thorn Varanus are large reptiles that bask in the heat given off by the local lava flows. The Thorn Varanus are said to absorb the poisons in the fumes from the volcanoes in the area and as such, their bodies are poisonous and even the smallest of wounds caused by an encounter with a Thorn Varanus can quickly fester and cause death.
Class:Reptile Level:2986
Attack:40126 - 40214 Defense:1207 - 1275
Armor:794 - 898 Damage:42296 - 42404
HP:118178 - 118724 Gold:281 - 319
XP:31943 - 34907
Piercing Strike:40% - 50%
Critical Hit:40% - 50%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Valali Magma Plains (Lair):89%
Valali Magma Plains (Geoform):11%
Additional Notes

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