The Summoner has knowledge of necromancy and demonology. Not enough to be a serious threat, but more than enough to cause trouble for all nearby! |
Class: | Human |
Level: | 5075 |
Attack: | 91048 | - | 91160 | |
Defense: | 139431 | - | 139593 | |
Armor: | 139380 | - | 139558 | |
Damage: | 86584 | - | 86740 | |
HP: | 639301 | - | 639599 | |
Gold: | 238 | - | 362 | |
XP: | 333152 | - | 342800 | |
Reinforced Armor: | 80% | - | 100% | |
Nullify: | 80% | - | 100% | |
Disarm: | 80% | - | 100% | |
Summoner Gauntlets | |
Summoner Weapon | |
Geldaroth Beach (Summoner Circle): | 100% |