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Crashnor Tunnel Hunter
The Tunnel Hunter has long hairs along its body to feel around in the dark, when one comes into contact with a heat source it whips round and pierces it with its strong pincers. As soon as its prey is impaled, it starts to devour it with its lower mandibles.
Class:Vermin Level:5533
Attack:17125 - 17235 Defense:1491 - 1627
Armor:130784 - 130978 Damage:6253 - 6353
HP:218139 - 218449 Gold:262 - 338
XP:111903 - 117663
Reinforced Armor:80% - 100%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Crashnor Caverns (Tunnels):93%
Crashnor Caverns (Vines):7%
Additional Notes

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