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Crashnor Strangle Vine
Strangle Vine sprout from the rock of the caves. These plants seem to need no sunlight and seem quite dead. However, they seem driven by their own will, striking out at passers-by with snake-like vines. The thorns of the vine drip with paralysing venom that will leave the victim at the mercy of the vines even if slightly scratched.
Class:Plant Level:5534
Attack:37748 - 37840 Defense:38485 - 38581
Armor:38721 - 38793 Damage:40769 - 40961
HP:218060 - 218606 Gold:258 - 342
XP:112666 - 116982
Piercing Strike:20% - 30%
Reinforced Armor:30% - 40%
Critical Hit:20% - 30%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Crashnor Caverns (Vines):94%
Crashnor Caverns (Despair):6%
Additional Notes

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