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Crashnor Vampiric Raptor
Turned to the darkness by powerful corrupting spells cast by the vampire lords, these deadly ancient creatures have an unending blood lust that can never be quenched.
Class:Reptile Level:5536
Attack:20613 - 20799 Defense:127401 - 127551
Armor:1474 - 1646 Damage:6236 - 6292
HP:218272 - 218550 Gold:278 - 322
XP:109755 - 120059
Dodge:40% - 50%
Disarm:40% - 50%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Crashnor Caverns (Stalk):94%
Crashnor Caverns (Roost):6%
Additional Notes

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