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The Lord of Groves (STF Titan)
A titan that carries a sacred forest on its colossal back. It spends most of it’s time asleep beneath the earth, dreaming of the land and feeding on the magic that enriches the soil. The disused temple on its back hearkens back to days where monks once prayed at its altar, but has long since fallen into disrepair.
Class:Dragon Level:3850
Attack:38458 - 38628 Defense:298306 - 298458
Armor:3575 - 3715 Damage:23874 - 23982
HP:510013 - 510587 Gold:239 - 361
XP:204482 - 225978
Piercing Strike:100% - 100%
Reinforced Armor:100% - 100%
Critical Hit:100% - 100%
Breaker:100% - 100%
Nullify:100% - 100%
Protection:100% - 100%
Dodge:100% - 100%
Disarm:100% - 100%
First Strike:100% - 100%
Hypnotize:100% - 100%
Soulless:100% - 100%
Dropped Items
Heart of the Grove
Spawning Information
Zylath City (Kennels):20%
Gintara Castle (Depths):20%
Vantaria Caves (Mist):20%
Rellanath Desert (Opening):20%
Seldiri Canyons (Slither):20%
Additional Notes

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