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Fornathian Barrens Naga
The Barrens Naga is a giant three headed serpent with a foul temperament and poisonous bite. The Barrens Naga will often kill prey just because it wants to and is evil to the core and when it does kill to feed, it is often seen fighting with its own heads for a chance to devour the kill.
Class:Reptile Level:5557
Attack:69414 - 69538 Defense:3783 - 3833
Armor:1509 - 1621 Damage:81656 - 81832
HP:219048 - 219420 Gold:271 - 329
XP:107450 - 124112
Piercing Strike:40% - 50%
Critical Hit:40% - 50%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Fornathian Desert (Slither):94%
Fornathian Desert (Carrion):6%
Additional Notes

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