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Fornathian Carrion Hound
Carrion Hounds are horrific beasts to look upon. Much like a vulture the Carrion Hound has a bald head which helps to keep the head clean when feeding of corpses but also makes it look ugly and demonic. Often these Hounds become desperate for food and will actually attack something they feel they can kill themselves.
Class:Canine Level:5558
Attack:17997 - 18115 Defense:1531 - 1601
Armor:131262 - 131392 Damage:5625 - 5719
HP:219112 - 219436 Gold:262 - 338
XP:109293 - 122351
Reinforced Armor:80% - 100%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Fornathian Desert (Carrion):93%
Fornathian Desert (Soar):7%
Additional Notes

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