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Fornathian Scrab Roach
Scrab Roach's are giant insects that live under the sand in the Flats. They spend most of their time waiting for prey to come by so they can quickly dart out and grab it, quickly killing with its razor sharp claws.
Class:Vermin Level:5565
Attack:38237 - 38389 Defense:36394 - 36450
Armor:38326 - 38388 Damage:43645 - 43807
HP:219432 - 219664 Gold:268 - 332
XP:115140 - 117088
Piercing Strike:20% - 30%
Reinforced Armor:30% - 40%
Critical Hit:20% - 30%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Fornathian Desert (Dunes):92%
Fornathian Desert (Plateau):8%
Additional Notes

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