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Fornathian Giant Vulture
Giant Vultures make their homes in the mountains at the edge of the desert. From their vantage point these ugly, giant birds swoop down over the dunes looking to prey upon those that have either fallen victim to the scavenger parties that roam the area or have succumbed to the harsh arid conditions of the environment.
Class:Avian Level:5568
Attack:64350 - 64516 Defense:1532 - 1606
Armor:1523 - 1615 Damage:89250 - 89414
HP:219487 - 219845 Gold:299 - 301
XP:110778 - 121700
First Strike:80% - 100%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Fornathian Desert (Thermals):93%
Fornathian Desert (Trails):7%
Additional Notes

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