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Fornathian Horned Lizard
One of the few creatures who call these land home are the hardy Horned Lizards. The Horned Lizard is covered in hard bone spikes and is a grumpy creature and will attack any who stray to close to its home in the Fool's Gold.
Class:Reptile Level:5570
Attack:19492 - 19646 Defense:1496 - 1642
Armor:131759 - 131895 Damage:3900 - 4084
HP:219403 - 220085 Gold:266 - 334
XP:109053 - 123593
Reinforced Armor:80% - 100%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Fornathian Desert (Rocks):92%
Fornathian Desert (Prowl):8%
Additional Notes

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