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Fornathian Desert Snapper
A strange and deadly desert dwelling vine plant. The Desert Snapper can survive without water by absorbing what moisture it needs from prey it catches in its jaws. After killing its prey it leaves the area by "burrowing" beneath the ground and cropping up somewhere else.
Class:Plant Level:5572
Attack:24078 - 24252 Defense:47362 - 47458
Armor:49389 - 49491 Damage:35932 - 36066
HP:219538 - 220106 Gold:255 - 345
XP:116050 - 116764
Reinforced Armor:40% - 50%
Nullify:40% - 50%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Fornathian Desert (Snap):93%
Fornathian Desert (Stone):7%
Additional Notes

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