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Lanshar Lesser Salamander
The Lesser Salamander is by no means a lesser opponent. This large reptile is a formidable predator, fast and cunning it can easily best strong opponents. The Lesser Salamander can also generate scorching fire that it spits from its mouth, much like a dragon, roasting prey it fears could get away from its clutches.
Class:Reptile Level:5586
Attack:22643 - 22773 Defense:1483 - 1665
Armor:130936 - 131068 Damage:2062 - 2182
HP:220055 - 220687 Gold:277 - 323
XP:115813 - 118171
Reinforced Armor:80% - 100%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Lanshar Wastes (Mount):94%
Lanshar Wastes (Ooze):6%
Additional Notes

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