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Lanshar Magma Ooze Beast
The Magma Ooze Beast come from the darkest depths. The beasts see themselves as the children of the great volcano and live their lives by its example, to cause destruction and consume all in fire.
Class:Golem Level:5587
Attack:36325 - 36391 Defense:38896 - 39008
Armor:37701 - 37811 Damage:44284 - 44452
HP:220136 - 220684 Gold:289 - 311
XP:115886 - 118182
Piercing Strike:20% - 30%
Reinforced Armor:30% - 40%
Critical Hit:20% - 30%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Lanshar Wastes (Ooze):91%
Lanshar Wastes (Magma):9%
Additional Notes

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