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Borranar Crazed Fire Mage
A mage who strayed into the Burning Abyss in times past. Now consumed by the very fires and Demons she was sent to defeat. Now utterly mad and extremely deadly.
Class:Human Level:5589
Attack:20183 - 20285 Defense:127135 - 127227
Armor:1508 - 1640 Damage:8469 - 8533
HP:220324 - 220654 Gold:292 - 308
XP:108417 - 125819
Dodge:40% - 50%
Disarm:40% - 50%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Borranar Wastes (Blaze):94%
Borranar Wastes (Chasm):6%
Additional Notes

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