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Borranar Dying Ifrit Djinn
The Ifrit Djinn are magic winged creatures of fire that hold great powers. The Ifrit Djinn however are not long lived, and their powers fade over time. These dying Ifrit Djinn fly to the Sapher Flow when they sense their time is over. They undergo changes once there and loose their wings and become monstrous savages that prowl the lava flows in their final days, becoming a Danger to others and each other before finally turning into a pile of ash.
Class:Golem Level:5591
Attack:73626 - 73804 Defense:2892 - 3020
Armor:1535 - 1615 Damage:79242 - 79356
HP:220464 - 220670 Gold:291 - 309
XP:109004 - 125400
Piercing Strike:40% - 50%
Critical Hit:40% - 50%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Borranar Wastes (Scrub):94%
Borranar Wastes (Pride):6%
Additional Notes

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