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Borranar Magmatum Snotite
The Lava Snotite is a peculiar form of plant/mineral hybrid. Most snotites are sweet, insect attracting liquids. The Lava Snotite is, as the name implies, coated in lava. How it survives, let alone flourishes, is a mystery. Yet survive it does, absorbing every scrap of a prey organism and coating itself in fresh lava.
Class:Plant Level:5595
Attack:19399 - 19527 Defense:127574 - 127706
Armor:1530 - 1622 Damage:8930 - 9028
HP:220460 - 220988 Gold:299 - 301
XP:112232 - 122508
Dodge:40% - 50%
Disarm:40% - 50%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Borranar Wastes (Snotite Grove):96%
Borranar Wastes (Soar):4%
Additional Notes

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