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Ulterath Ravaged Forest Guardian
The Guardians of the wood normally attack those who are harming their domain. But Elementals draw most of their strength from the wood itself. The decaying forest is making these peaceful creatures attack anyone who now enters the Forest. They are fearful that any more damage would lead to the final destruction of the wood and themselves.
Class:Plant Level:5606
Attack:69838 - 69942 Defense:1552 - 1606
Armor:1514 - 1644 Damage:84861 - 84975
HP:220867 - 221443 Gold:287 - 313
XP:113046 - 122618
First Strike:80% - 100%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Ulterath Forest (Ravage):93%
Ulterath Forest (Graze):7%
Additional Notes

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