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Ulterath Einherjar (Champion)
The Einherjar are warriors whos skills in combat far outstretch those of mere mortals. These lone warriors are said to have transcended death and been brought back from the afterlife so they may once again fight and hone their skills. Some Einherjar are said to have left the path of becoming better warriors and have become debased, seeking new ways to torturer and maim their victims rather than outright kill them in combat.
Class:Human Level:5603
Attack:50113 - 50277 Defense:50915 - 51047
Armor:52100 - 52240 Damage:60987 - 61145
HP:300045 - 300315 Gold:250 - 350
XP:218776 - 252046
Piercing Strike:50% - 60%
Reinforced Armor:70% - 80%
Critical Hit:50% - 60%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Ulterath Forest (Cairn):100%
Additional Notes

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