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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Fornathian Sand Worm Beast 5551 70139 2081 1564 82642 218999
Fornathian Arid Ogre Greenskin 5552 19465 1564 127629 7796 219038
Fornathian Centurion Beetle Larva Vermin 5553 38411 37287 38246 42538 219078
Fornathian Centurion Beetle Vermin 5554 27996 49669 47376 31469 219117
Fornathian Desert Dybbuk Undead 5555 21093 125576 1565 8305 219156
Fornathian Chameletor Reptile 5556 103504 1565 1565 49932 219195
Fornathian Chameletor (Champion) Reptile 5556 96085 2126 2126 112289 297679
Fornathian Barrens Naga Reptile 5557 69476 3808 1565 81744 219234
Fornathian Carrion Hound Canine 5558 18056 1566 131327 5672 219274
Fornathian Crimson Headed Stork Avian 5559 36047 38078 36363 46162 219313
Fornathian Desert Snake Reptile 5560 25378 48716 48563 34021 219352
Fornathian Darghei Whipper Plant 5561 21019 127113 1567 7007 219391
Fornathian Acedon Vermin 5562 58258 1567 1567 95342 219430
Fornathian Leaping Solifuge Vermin 5563 69823 2852 1567 82520 219470
Fornathian Skuttle Beast Beast 5564 15696 1567 131238 8289 219509
Fornathian Scrab Roach Vermin 5565 38313 36422 38357 43726 219548
Fornathian Plateau Gherdlia Reptile 5566 29781 48686 49359 29019 219587
Fornathian Sand Djinn Golem 5567 18000 128878 1568 8428 219626
Fornathian Sand Djinn (Champion) Golem 5567 29043 178946 2130 2926 298264
Fornathian Giant Vulture Avian 5568 64433 1569 1569 89332 219666
Fornathian Flesh Snail Vermin 5569 75023 2366 1569 77972 219705
Fornathian Horned Lizard Reptile 5570 19569 1569 131827 3992 219744
Fornathian Lanqeeth Feline 5571 36516 36553 36793 47123 219783
Fornathian Desert Snapper Plant 5572 24165 47410 49440 35999 219822
Fornathian Stoneback Beetle Vermin 5573 18397 132475 1570 4600 219862

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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