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Wazargs Siege Fortress (Titan)
Wazarg is a genius by Orc standards, having seen how effective siege towers were he decided to make the worlds largest and dangerous version by putting his own Fortress on wheels, that are pushed by a legion of trolls from within, and arming with a barn sized battering ram for smashing down enemy castles. To date no castle has survived an attack by the Siege Fortress and Wazargs huge army held within.
Class:Mechanical Level:250
Attack:3346 - 3518 Defense:74 - 228
Armor:1 - 165 Damage:3827 - 4001
HP:7380 - 7770 Gold:217 - 283
XP:954 - 1056
Piercing Strike:25% - 35%
Critical Hit:20% - 30%
First Strike:40% - 60%
Dropped Items
Wazargs Siege Helm
Spawning Information
Nimaos (North):25%
Gerlond (South):25%
Ghelmot (West):25%
Vrandu (South):25%
Additional Notes

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