A new strain of Chomper has appeared! They appear to exemplify one of the seven evil attributes! The Chomper of Envy works itself into such a frenzy of covetous behaviour that it actually does very little. It ends up tying itself in knots over wanting everything everyone else has, ESPECIALLY spines! |
Class: | Beast |
Level: | 4050 |
Attack: | 39007 | - | 39157 | |
Defense: | 2087 | - | 2285 | |
Armor: | 852 | - | 930 | |
Damage: | 46962 | - | 47016 | |
HP: | 124531 | - | 125089 | |
Gold: | 227 | - | 373 | |
XP: | 14708 | - | 16040 | |
Piercing Strike: | 100% | - | 100% | |
Reinforced Armor: | 100% | - | 100% | |
Critical Hit: | 100% | - | 100% | |
Breaker: | 100% | - | 100% | |
Nullify: | 100% | - | 100% | |
Dodge: | 100% | - | 100% | |
Disarm: | 100% | - | 100% | |
First Strike: | 100% | - | 100% | |
Hypnotize: | 100% | - | 100% | |
Soulless: | 100% | - | 100% | |
Envious Boots | |
Envious Rune | |
Carranath Caverns (Murk): | 19% |
Carranath Caverns (Scree): | 21% |
Nemarath Forest (Temple): | 16% |
Nemarath Forest (Shimmer): | 21% |
Korogoth Wastes (Grave): | 23% |