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Ornack Sand Spiker
Sand Spikers are beetle like creatures that dwell under the sand feeling for vibrations of potential prey. They burrow fast and right to the source of the vibrations they sense and then spear upwards with their razor sharp tail in the hopes of killing their prey by impaling it from below.
Class:Vermin Level:4935
Attack:79126 - 79206 Defense:1305 - 1477
Armor:1315 - 1467 Damage:111730 - 111846
HP:38647 - 39295 Gold:294 - 306
XP:89871 - 92749
First Strike:80% - 100%
Dropped Items
[no item drops]
Spawning Information
Ornack Desert (Spike):90%
Ornack Desert (Drift):10%
Additional Notes

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