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Spine Chomper of Pestilence (Legendary)
The latest, curious variant of the accursed Spine Chompers have raised their horrifying heads! The uniquely rapid morphogenic abilities of the Chomper species have somehow locked onto the four characters associated with the Apocalypse! rnrnThe Pestilence Chomper is vile beyond words. Its pale skin glimpsed through patchy fur, hangings off a withered frame and is covered in sores, lesions and buboes. Plants crumble at the monster\'s touch, while animals collapse with pained moaning as illness and cancers course through their bodies, expanding and collapsing as muscle and flesh slough from yellowing, brittle bones.
Class:Beast Level:5175
Attack:13392 - 13454 Defense:1087 - 1235
Armor:98260 - 98384 Damage:3163 - 3221
HP:162390 - 162690 Gold:265 - 335
XP:24335 - 27829
Piercing Strike:100% - 100%
Reinforced Armor:100% - 100%
Critical Hit:100% - 100%
Nullify:100% - 100%
Protection:100% - 100%
Protect Gold:100% - 100%
Dodge:100% - 100%
Disarm:100% - 100%
Hypnotize:100% - 100%
Soulless:100% - 100%
Dropped Items
Pestilent Chomper Boots
Pestilent Chomper Rune
Spawning Information
Kantorite Forest (Red Wood):20%
Ornack Canyons (Thunder):19%
Galanoth Forest (Mist):22%
Manaroc Castle (Gates):22%
Hag-Harnth Dungeons (Bowels):17%
Additional Notes

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