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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Amulet of Ithall 541 Amulet Common 340 0 530 212 0
Amulet of Kingorson 423 Amulet Rare 340 308 0 206 0
Amulet of Odusfin 429 Amulet Common 340 0 300 218 0
Amulet of Polkris 420 Amulet Rare 340 200 0 300 0
Armor of Placera 1070 Armor Common 340 1800 0 0 0
Echibors Staff of Office 730 Weapon Unique 340 0 300 830 0
Gloves of Polnoth 413 Gloves Common 340 300 0 186 0
Helmet of Sergom 524 Helmet Common 340 0 533 175 0
Ivar Rune 280 Rune Legendary 340 0 0 310 0
Ivars Flail 280 Weapon Legendary 340 0 0 310 0
Ring of Lossgill 441 Ring Rare 340 0 322 164 0
Ring of Roxkrath 482 Ring Rare 340 0 204 424 0
Ring of Vashan 445 Ring Common 340 430 0 120 0
Rune of Argoron 443 Rune Rare 340 256 0 294 0
Rune of Crus 520 Rune Rare 340 304 0 400 0
Rune of Eldgah 243 Rune Common 340 0 0 146 0
Rune of Jazgith 419 Rune Rare 340 200 0 288 10
Rune of Taros 425 Rune Common 340 300 0 210 0
Spear of Rorkon 424 Weapon Common 340 135 0 373 0
Boots of Sevrea 642 Boots Common 339 945 0 0 0
Gloves of Esstorol 489 Gloves Rare 338 454 0 190 0
Ring of Dorpholl 508 Ring Rare 338 0 344 338 0
Amulet of Tucarthos 394 Amulet Rare 337 0 0 455 0
Axe of Hygar 398 Weapon Rare 337 0 0 463 0
Rune of Marxor 504 Rune Rare 336 0 324 352 0

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