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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Riztor 494 Rune Common 290 310 0 388 0
Shield of Canarol 550 Shield Common 290 513 0 297 0
Spear of Grelshal 188 Weapon Rare 290 0 0 121 -35
Sword of Koringorn 422 Weapon Common 290 0 160 394 0
Armor of Qardoris 426 Armor Common 289 0 300 263 0
Axe of Nisoorka 360 Weapon Common 289 0 0 431 0
Ring of Reakel 582 Ring Common 289 0 0 875 0
Rune of Anthor 428 Rune Common 289 300 0 267 0
Amulet of Teecal 644 Amulet Rare 288 0 1004 0 0
Armor of Par Ratha 418 Armor Rare 288 0 378 160 10
Blade of TakHazak 389 Weapon Rare 288 0 82 412 0
Boots of Orthalia 241 Boots Rare 288 0 197 0 0
Gloves of Lithverr 492 Gloves Rare 288 0 424 276 0
Gloves of Taluk 494 Gloves Rare 288 382 0 322 0
Gloves of Xull 465 Gloves Rare 288 0 384 262 0
Helmet of Pottela 344 Helmet Common 288 0 0 0 400
Obsidian Rune 165 Rune Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 288 75 0 117 0
Ring of Verdor 369 Ring Common 288 0 300 150 0
Rune of Helighmal 594 Rune Common 288 0 900 0 0
Rune of Lomkall 470 Rune Rare 288 432 0 224 0
Shield of Rindoor 969 Shield Common 288 1100 0 550 0
Sword of Trelnar 405 Weapon Common 288 0 0 522 0
Amulet of Pyitunda 392 Amulet Rare 287 0 505 0 0
Helmet of Neffrane 403 Helmet Rare 287 519 0 0 0
Ring of Hyashalo 208 Ring Rare 287 141 0 0 -10

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