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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Ring of Remolelos 2876 Ring Common 2301 0 0 3451 0
Jelani's Shield 2675 Shield Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 2300 0 0 3275 0
Straton Gauntlets 3750 Gloves Legendary 2295 0 5355 0 0
Owlbear Sage Boots 3725 Boots Unique 2288 0 0 5172 0
Iron Back Fanged Ring 2775 Ring Unique 2274 0 0 3286 0
Crashnor Elite Warhammer 5550 Weapon Unique 2272 0 0 8838 0
Selachis Hide Helm 2725 Helmet Legendary 2270 0 3330 0 0
Pride Queen Weapon 3775 Weapon Unique 2268 0 0 5292 0
Black Knife Blade 3682 Weapon Rare 2262 0 0 5110 0
Jelani's Blade 2675 Weapon Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 2250 0 0 3325 0
Vulpines Bejeweled Amulet 2675 Amulet Legendary 2250 0 0 3250 0
Ice Feather Bow and Arrows 1600 Weapon Unique 2247 0 0 963 0
Murderous Blade 1600 Weapon Unique 2247 963 0 0 0
Cuirass of Haramoth 1850 Armor Unique 2246 0 0 1464 0
Owlbear Sage Gloves 3725 Gloves Unique 2238 0 0 5222 0
Radande Bark Buckler 1836 Shield Rare 2228 0 0 1452 0
Helm of Haramoth 1850 Helmet Unique 2226 0 0 1484 0
Iron Back Cuirass 2775 Armor Unique 2224 0 0 3336 0
Broken Jingle Bell 3700 Amulet Unique 2223 0 0 5187 0
Crashnor Elite Gloves 5550 Gloves Unique 2222 0 0 8888 0
Chodrcane Gauntlets 1800 Gloves Epic 2220 0 5180 0 0
Selachis Hide Shield 2725 Shield Legendary 2220 0 3380 0 0
Black Knife Hood 3682 Helmet Rare 2212 0 0 5160 0
Chiller Zombie Dance Shoes 3525 Boots Legendary 2210 0 0 4990 0
Radande Wood Sword 1836 Weapon Rare 2208 0 0 1472 0

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