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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Armor of Ginkrait 372 Armor Common 122 0 622 0 0
Armor of Zenbeiltu 346 Armor Rare 122 570 0 0 4
Blade of Calpe 127 Weapon Rare 122 0 0 132 0
Boots of Commal 261 Boots Rare 122 206 0 150 50
Boots of Nizjax 457 Boots Rare 122 0 652 144 0
Boots of Rillindore 361 Boots Rare 122 604 0 0 0
Boots of Sigreshil 336 Boots Rare 122 549 0 0 5
Boots of Wanii 371 Boots Rare 122 624 0 0 0
Chainmail of the Mages 311 Armor Common 122 0 500 0 0
Gloves of DruDarDar 381 Gloves Rare 122 0 522 122 0
Gloves of Ralka 373 Gloves Rare 122 628 0 0 0
Helmet of Callez 181 Helmet Rare 122 0 245 0 0
Helmet of Grench 161 Helmet Rare 122 0 200 0 0
Helmet of Karulnar 406 Helmet Common 122 457 0 233 0
Helmet of Kozvin 461 Helmet Rare 122 0 804 0 0
Helmet of ZugTulGorath 382 Helmet Common 122 498 0 144 0
Ring of Fraltonia 373 Ring Rare 122 370 0 258 0
Ring of Gerlandra 394 Ring Rare 122 0 350 320 0
Rune of Balanrathor 324 Rune Rare 122 0 530 0 0
Shield of Darmani 404 Shield Rare 122 475 0 211 0
Shield of Deithola 378 Shield Rare 122 0 534 104 0
Shoes of Jairnok 340 Boots Rare 122 562 0 0 0
Sleepwalkers Keg 3000 Shield Super Elite 122 0 61 427 0
Bindor Gloves 400 Gloves Common 121 0 267 412 0
Boots of Urtoll 348 Boots Rare 121 375 0 200 4

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