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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Ring of Marok 202 Ring Rare 0 275 0 100 29
Amulet of Eyeal 212 Amulet Rare 0 247 0 151 28
Amulet of Rarale 215 Amulet Rare 0 227 0 177 28
Amulet of Rengard 214 Amulet Rare 0 247 0 155 28
Boots of Noighar 299 Boots Rare 0 375 0 205 28
Boots of Poseia 294 Boots Rare 403 0 0 160 28
Burning Rune 34 Rune Unique 20 0 20 0 28
Gemmed Amulet 36 Amulet Common 5 15 24 0 28
Shield of Greater Tallor 154 Shield Rare -10 75 215 0 28
Amulet of Ninale 208 Amulet Rare 0 268 0 124 27
Amulet of Commiea 313 Amulet Rare 504 100 0 0 26
Amulet of Tepedo 147 Amulet Common 75 0 125 68 26
Amulet of Yamshi 563 Amulet Rare 200 0 400 504 26
Boots of Elirhan 292 Boots Rare 500 0 0 60 26
Boots of Hadalea 293 Boots Common 0 500 0 60 26
Boots of Zephale 298 Boots Common 0 296 0 274 26
Fennlar Amulet 84 Amulet Unique 79 25 0 46 26
Gloves of Amoza 116 Gloves Common 45 0 162 0 26
Helmet of Yamla 117 Helmet Rare 25 100 84 0 26
Ring of Gorblas 173 Ring Rare 0 0 0 320 26
Shield of Rook 158 Shield Rare 25 265 0 0 26
Ahuitzs Icon of the Sun 520 Rune Unique 300 0 425 300 25
Amulet of Aelap 128 Amulet Rare 128 45 33 25 25
Amulet of Alignment 151 Amulet Rare 35 147 95 0 25
Amulet of Amesa 143 Amulet Rare 75 150 0 36 25

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