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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Boots of Hamlark 253 Boots Rare 106 406 0 0 0
Shield of Morthin 563 Shield Common 106 0 400 620 0
Amulet of Dralpo 106 Amulet Unique 105 0 0 110 0
Helmet of Nortog 455 Helmet Rare 105 704 0 105 0
Khorl Honor Medal 156 Amulet Unique 105 0 108 107 0
Rykal Boots 120 Boots Unique 105 0 110 35 0
Skull of Katsuma 200 Rune Unique 105 105 0 200 0
Talisman of Aarman 110 Amulet Rare 105 35 80 0 0
Armor of Yhina 391 Armor Common 104 572 0 106 0
Boots of Ghlar 252 Boots Rare 104 406 0 0 0
Rune of Oscaros 450 Rune Rare 104 344 0 454 0
Silver Blade of Alighbar 313 Weapon Rare 104 0 0 526 0
Armor of Tumair 409 Armor Rare 103 611 0 104 0
Armor of Atkial 251 Armor Rare 102 0 406 0 0
Armor of DuDrasax 385 Armor Rare 102 0 572 100 0
Armor of Joryas 459 Armor Rare 102 702 0 118 0
Boots of Zorbail 363 Boots Common 102 624 0 0 0
Buckler of Gai Gen 200 Shield Unique 102 204 0 104 0
Gloves of Grolltor 379 Gloves Rare 102 0 552 102 10
Helmet of Obtar 400 Helmet Common 102 0 594 104 0
Khel Ice Pick 200 Weapon Rare 102 0 0 302 0
Rune of Kargom 572 Rune Rare 102 804 0 242 0
Armor of Rullazug 376 Armor Rare 101 0 554 101 0
Helmet of Iymllik 398 Helmet Rare 101 684 0 0 15
Odhars Rune 42 Rune Legendary 101 0 67 0 0

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