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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Shield of Phoal 215 Shield Rare 67 0 365 0 0
Abraxas Flaming Sword 170 Weapon Legendary 66 95 0 199 0
Dark Spine Rune 75 Rune Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 66 154 0 0 0
Double Axe of Demrhyle 408 Weapon Rare 66 0 0 750 0
Helmet of Arrithia 375 Helmet Rare 66 588 0 88 14
Amulet of Firege 150 Amulet Rare 65 0 120 100 15
Amulet of Hedpax 136 Amulet Rare 65 45 75 64 31
Amulet of Jeldath 68 Amulet Common 65 0 0 72 0
Amulet of Terrak 213 Amulet Rare 65 147 0 201 15
Armor of HaxQulNar 387 Armor Rare 65 0 635 78 0
Armor of Hungal 195 Armor Rare 65 0 250 70 5
Armor of Lazur 120 Armor Rare 65 125 50 0 0
Axe of Grela 144 Weapon Rare 65 0 0 200 25
Blade of Might 59 Weapon Rare 65 -20 0 72 0
Boots of Gheldamor 74 Boots Common 65 0 -25 109 0
Boots of Krin 59 Boots Common 65 30 0 20 3
Boots of Peamo 134 Boots Rare 65 65 138 0 0
Boots of Valbek 136 Boots Rare 65 125 97 -15 0
Boots of Yelpal 173 Boots Common 65 281 0 0 0
Dark Ethal Ring 125 Ring Unique 65 0 100 65 20
Fiend Skin Claws 66 Gloves Legendary 65 0 97 0 0
Gloves of Bane 65 Gloves Common 65 0 0 66 0
Gloves of Felomak 145 Gloves Common 65 130 95 0 0
Gloves of Fenmar 103 Gloves Rare 65 56 85 0 0
Gloves of Fihjal 218 Gloves Rare 65 0 136 228 8

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