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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gauntlets of Rythass 1202 Gloves Common 1222 0 0 962 220
Wrathful Rune of Gurgriss 943 Rune Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 1221 0 0 815 0
Bohnaf Ward 1420 Shield Unique 1220 0 1650 0 0
Notogores Neckpiece 1525 Amulet Common 1220 0 0 1830 0
Morgath Fanged Axe 1000 Weapon Unique 1218 0 0 812 0
Sapphire Encrusted Signet 1521 Ring Common 1217 0 0 1825 0
Quintors Gauntlets 1519 Gloves Common 1216 0 1822 0 0
Addlers Winged Boots 1950 Boots Legendary 1215 0 2835 0 0
Sword of Tyrana 980 Weapon Common 1215 0 45 700 0
Banded Amethyst Necklace 1517 Amulet Common 1214 1820 0 0 0
Deathworm Hide Boots 1512 Boots Rare 1213 0 0 1819 0
Hypeezle Pelt Cuirass 1537 Armor Rare 1213 0 0 1869 0
Axe of Baaghal 1083 Weapon Common 1210 0 0 956 0
Owlbear Feather Necklace 1509 Amulet Rare 1210 0 0 1816 0
Emerald Maul of Gethorn 1511 Weapon Common 1209 0 0 1813 0
Lindarsils Aetherweave Slippers 789 Boots Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 1209 0 0 519 0
Ring of Palkar 1381 Ring Rare 1207 0 1559 0 0
Viridian Helm of Harroth 1509 Helmet Common 1207 0 0 1811 0
Helmet of Antarg 1244 Helmet Rare 1206 0 338 952 0
Plated Buckler of Sandoroth 1507 Shield Common 1206 0 0 1808 0
Chiefs Hide Bracers 1527 Gloves Rare 1205 0 0 1857 0
SK Amulet 962 Amulet Unique 1205 603 0 116 10
Ring of Kialke 1002 Ring Common 1204 0 800 0 0
Shield of Xandal 1577 Shield Rare 1204 0 0 1958 0
Armor of Hansol 1382 Armor Common 1202 0 1562 0 0

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