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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Qindats Signet 1459 Ring Common 1168 0 0 1750 0
Flamebreath Gloves 770 Gloves Unique 1165 385 0 0 0
Gloves of Noere 798 Gloves Common 1165 431 0 0 0
Sturdy Fishing Rod 1451 Weapon Unique 1165 0 0 1747 0
Hydrapede Gauntlets 1447 Gloves Rare 1161 0 0 1741 0
Palyor Medallion 643 Amulet Unique 1161 0 135 0 0
Saber of the Seer 1570 Weapon Unique 1160 0 0 2020 0
Shield of the Devourer 1470 Shield Unique 1160 0 0 1790 0
Spirit Bird Shield 1500 Shield Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 1160 0 1990 0 0
Razored Pod Plate 1444 Armor Rare 1158 0 1738 0 0
Helm of Hermanite 1445 Helmet Common 1156 1734 0 0 0
Kingly Shield 1440 Shield Unique 1156 0 1734 0 0
Boots of Barbnisis 850 Boots Legendary 1155 0 0 695 0
The Hunted Cows Armor 1775 Armor Epic 1155 0 0 2695 0
Rune of Elightar 802 Rune Rare 1154 0 454 0 0
The Fat Mans Dinner Plate 900 Shield Legendary 1154 596 0 0 200
Rune of Ceral 905 Rune Common 1150 0 660 0 0
Firrahe Knife 943 Weapon Rare 1149 0 161 580 0
Helmet of Hartness 1435 Helmet Common 1148 0 1722 0 0
Helmet of Goruis 780 Helmet Rare 1147 0 415 0 0
Club of Godgery 895 Weapon Rare 1145 0 649 0 0
Lanacs Amulet 1431 Amulet Common 1145 0 0 1717 0
Rune of Traghel 791 Rune Common 1145 0 437 0 0
Corvus Scaled Bracers 1475 Gloves Rare 1144 0 0 1814 0
Blade of Shamadil 989 Weapon Common 1143 0 85 750 0

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