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[ Page: First . . 488 489 490 491 492 493 Last ]

Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gloves of Righal 172 Gloves Common 74 0 280 0 -10
Gloves of Taymor 71 Gloves Common 100 18 35 0 -10
Inferno Axe 50 Weapon Rare 20 0 0 90 -10
Powerless Plague Helm 20 Helmet Legendary 0 5 -5 -50 -10
Ring of Hyashalo 208 Ring Rare 287 141 0 0 -10
Ring of Massalor 124 Ring Common 125 42 25 66 -10
Rykal Amulet 120 Amulet Unique 55 0 75 120 -10
Shield of Gilda 151 Shield Rare -10 125 197 0 -10
The Fire Glaive 221 Weapon Unique 100 -20 -20 400 -10
Boots of Nemodra 116 Boots Common 35 75 135 0 -12
Ring of Kalkor 125 Ring Rare 48 53 25 144 -12
Sunstone Ring 44 Ring Common 45 5 5 45 -12
Blade of Gredgon 106 Weapon Common 120 0 -15 122 -15
Rune of Glabhe 152 Rune Rare 145 25 15 134 -15
Rune of Rhaldal 208 Rune Rare 0 295 0 138 -15
Xelphus Rune 159 Rune Unique 75 0 85 173 -15
Dark Ethal Shield 125 Shield Unique 3 0 130 133 -16
Ring of Carnage 41 Ring Unique 40 0 0 60 -20
Ring of Mojak 205 Ring Rare 100 245 -15 100 -20
Rune of Pain 46 Rune Common 32 10 -10 80 -20
Spear of Grelshal 188 Weapon Rare 290 0 0 121 -35

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