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[ Page: First . . 488 489 490 491 492 493 Last ]

Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Blue Moon Armor 56 Armor Common -25 25 75 32 6
Boots of Yolsmar 68 Boots Common -25 67 95 0 0
Galdwing Armor 62 Armor Rare -25 65 80 0 0
Gloves of Yallamor 76 Gloves Common -25 53 125 0 0
Helmet of Plenor 76 Helmet Rare -25 75 103 0 0
Ring of Shroud 58 Ring Common -25 85 80 -29 5
Rune of Calling 60 Rune Common -25 85 50 15 -5
Shield of Letar 60 Shield Common -25 70 85 -10 0
Shield of Shroud 56 Shield Common -25 47 85 0 5
Shield of Yalmar 76 Shield Rare -25 125 53 0 0
Tazma Mallet 117 Weapon Rare -25 -10 -10 250 30
Armor of Valoran 78 Armor Rare -30 125 62 0 0
Boots of Laetha 60 Boots Common -30 55 85 0 0
Armor of Greater Might 79 Armor Rare -35 55 139 0 0
Armor of Palcroy 70 Armor Common -35 75 100 0 0
Ring of Male 74 Ring Common -35 100 84 0 0
Rune of Multi-Fortify 58 Rune Rare -35 108 40 -2 0
Shield of Kralmor 80 Shield Common -35 145 50 0 0
Shield of Litmora 77 Shield Rare -35 125 65 0 0
Shield of Panlor 81 Shield Common -35 128 85 -15 0
Helmet of Plumor 75 Helmet Common -40 135 56 0 0

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