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Trinettle Leaf (Common)

Type:Component Level:1
Extracted From
Trinettle Plant
Used In Recipes
Hondos Neckpiece Recipe
Potion of Acceleration Recipe
Potion of Annihilation Recipe
Potion of Black Death Recipe
Potion of Lesser Death Dealer Recipe
Potion of Lesser Vision Recipe
Potion of the Bookworm Recipe
Recipe of Akrisios Famine Armor
Recipe of Akrisios Famine Ring
Recipe of Boogle Gloves
Recipe of Colossal Sparkling Snowball
Recipe of Helm of Zurgol
Recipe of Hermanus Shield
Recipe of Imhear Weapon
Recipe of Kaapo Gloves
Recipe of Mountainous Tower Shield
Recipe of Nolands Chariot Shield
Recipe of Perchtas Crimson Grasp
Recipe of Potion of Nullifying Draft
Recipe of Potion of Waking Hypnotism
Recipe of Supreme Invention Draft
Recipe of The Hunted Cows Rune
Recipe of The Hunted Cows Sword
Scroll of Yojimbos Helm
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Quest Reward
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