Stage 1 Minimum Level: 5700
Location:Forest of Yule (Mysterious Field) (8, 9)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You meet a mysterious man in a mysterious field. The mysterious man looks at you with his blue eyes, swirling like a mysterious whirlpool in a mysterious ocean. |
"I see you have found yourself in this mysterious place," the Mysterious Man says, mysteriously. "I'm sorry, but you cannot leave this mysterious place until you have solved the mystery. You may be wondering: where do I begin with this mysterious mystery? Well, look over there."
The Mysterious Man points at a mysterious tower.
"Go to that mysterious tower. The mystery begins there."
Go to the Mysterious Tower |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 5700
Location:Forest of Yule (Mysterious Field) (8, 6)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You stand at the foot of the mysterious tower, staring at the mysterious stone door with a mysterious magic rune glowing on its surface. |
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the mysterious man says as he stands behind you holding his mysterious staff. "If you touch that mystery rune, you will die."
You look at the mysterious man and furrow your brows. You are unsure if the mysterious man is telling the truth, but touching a mystery rune that causes instant death is not a chance you're willing to take.
"If you want to solve the mystery, you must dispel the mystery rune." The mysterious man begins, pointing his staff at the mysterious door. "You need a Mysterious Trinket to open the way. Unfortunately, the Mysterious Trinket was split in twain by a mysterious force. The two halves are hidden here in this mysterious field. You must find them and fix it back together."
The mysterious man smiles warmly and adds, "Do not worry, my mysterious friend. Go north and find the Mysterious Stone in the Mysterious Darkwood. Your next clue will be there."
Go to the Mysterious Stone at Yuletide Forest (Mysterious Darkwoods)
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 5700
Location:Forest of Yule (Mysterious Darkwoods) (3, 13)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
The mysterious darkwoods are mysteriously dark. It takes you some time to find the Mysterious Stone, and as you grow closer, the mysterious runes on its flat surface begin to light up one by one. |
You bring yourself closer to the stone to inspect the mysterious runes. Though you've never seen mysterious runes like these before, you can understand it. A mysterious language that you have known all your life. How mysterious ...
Is this a riddle? A mysterious puzzle that will lead you to one of the mysterious halves of the mysterious trinket?
The runes read: The winter mouse lives in the Heart of the forest. No, not that one. Yes, that one.
Solve the puzzle
Stage 4 Minimum Level: 5700
Location:Forest of Yule (Mysterious Gloomwood) (13, 3)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You carefully trudge through the snow in this all-consuming dark and stumble upon an old mysterious grave. The mysterious writing on the mysterious headstone must have eroded long ago, but something about its appearance does not strike you as a mysterious grave for a mysterious person. You don’t think anyone is buried here. |
You dig up the mysterious grave (you've done this before ...), confident that what lies beneath is one piece of the Mysterious Trinket you've been looking for. There it is, the Mysterious Left Part of the Mysterious Trinket. Perhaps the Mysterious Stone will have another clue for the other.
Return to the Mysterious Stone in the Mysterious Darkwood |
Stage 5 Minimum Level: 5700
Location:Forest of Yule (Mysterious Darkwoods) (3, 13)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You return to the Mysterious Stone and gaze up at its large imposing face. |
You once again approach the Mysterious Stone to read the mysterious runes. They rearrange themselves quickly, forming new mysterious words to conjure a new mysterious clue. You have what you need.
The runes read: The winter mouse looks down to her right and finds a gift. She wonders what it is.
Solve the puzzle |
Stage 6 Minimum Level: 5700
Location:Forest of Yule (Mysterious Gloomwood) (3, 3)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You once again brave the cold and mysterious dark of the Mysterious Gloomwood, stumbling upon yet another mysterious grave. This time, the mysterious writing on the mysterious headstone is legible. The mysterious headstone reads: "Congratulations!" |
You dig up the grave and find the Mysterious Right Part. You remember what the Mysterious Man said. You must bring the two halves together to create the Mysterious Trinket. This mysterious thing is the mysterious key to solving the mystery of the Mysterious Tower.
Invent the Mysterious Trinket and return to the Mysterious Tower in the Mysterious Field |
Stage 7 Minimum Level: 5700
Location:Forest of Yule (Mysterious Field) (8, 6)
Required Item: Mysterious Trinket
Required Kills: None
You return to the Mysterious Tower and stand before its mysterious stone door with the mystery rune still etched on its mysterious surface. The Mysterious Man is nowhere to be found. |
You hold out the Mysterious Trinket and watch as the mystery rune mysteriously explodes. The Mysterious Trinket also mysteriously explodes in your mysterious hand, leaving a mysterious cut on your mysterious mystery finger. Wait, what? What in the mystery is going on? Suddenly you're a mystery, and so am I. The whole mysterious tower is now covered in mystery, and every mysterious fleck of mystery snow has a mysterious mystery to mysteriously tell. Your mysterious mystery-brain is going mysteriously wild!
Mysteriously enter the Mysterious Tower and find out what the mystery is going on! |
Stage 8 Minimum Level: 5700
Location:Forest of Yule (Mysterious Basement) (9, 14)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
It's mysteriously dark in this Mysterious Tower. You hear the mysterious voice of the Mysterious Man with your mystery hearing. |
"Hah! I see you have solved the mystery! Did you know it was ME all along!?" The Mysterious Man's voice echos all around you mysteriously. What could he mystery mean?
"Like a mysterious fool you have mysteriously walked into my mystery trap! I am Xymstree, and beneath my mysterious boughs I keep mysteries!" You see a light in the dark, then more lights flicker on to reveal a monstrous mystery yuletide tree with ... mysterious coffins resting beneath it? The mysterious gift-wrapped coffins rattle about beneath Xymstree, and they bounce along with each of its mysterious mystery movements.
"Come, join us. Become one of my dead little mysteries and let's celebrate together!" Xymstree's monstrous mystery voice booms throughout the dark mysterious chamber. You mystery blink and it is mysteriously gone, but you can still sense its mysterious presence. You need to end this mystery once and for all!
Defeat 1 x Xymstree |