Stage 1 Minimum Level: 335
Location:Erodum (North) (13, 4)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
The wind cuts deep as you move across the icy landscape. As you pull your travelling cloak closer you see a figure dressed in fur. |
The hunter shifts from one foot to the other, as if she is reluctant to stay still. 'Have you seen those Dipsoshell Guard Tortoises around? They have eggs which are good to eat, bring me 1 egg. They can be found on the very creatures themselves.' |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 335
Location:Erodum (North) (13, 4)
Required Item: Frosted Dipsoshell Egg
Required Kills: None
You find the hunter is crouched down over a small fire. She stands as you approach, 'You have the egg and slain the creatures?' |
She gratefully takes the egg, 'Thank you stranger, my family will eat well today.' She turns and walks away.
You gain 369,239 XP |