Quest Guide

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Exiled Warriors
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 355
Location:Glitter Mine Depths (12, 2)
Required Item: Museum Seal of Morukan
Required Kills: None
The Glitter Mine Depths are a lot darker and more rough looking, this is the working face for the dwarven miners. The miners move around with sullen determination, as those who have to work rather than those who want to. You see the Miners give each other furtive glances, fear is thick in the air. The Mine in one particular shaft is wreathed in darkness. You enter and can just make out a figure seated on a barrel. As you get closer to the shadowy figure you hear it laugh gently, 'You are one who is not afraid of the dark.' Light flares from a lamp at the dwarves feet. 'I am Thol, Captain of the Royal Guard, why are you here?'
Thol chuckles gruffly, looks at the seal and discards it. 'I haven't laughed so much in months, those underlings are followers of the Death god. They made a treaty with the Royal Dynasty of Morukan years ago, if you don't believe me, go take the death mark from one of these underling acolytes around here. Maybe you can convince someone in Morukan that the King is mad. He called us traitors and forced us down here when we confronted him about his evil research. Return here when you have the Death Mark.'

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