Quest Guide

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Out With the Old
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 390
Location:Ug Grash Main (3, 5)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
Walking through the gates of an orc fortress by yourself is not the brightest thing you have ever done. You get some odd looks but are left alone. This puzzles you. Through the throng of orc, your eye is caught by a flash of bright red.
You walk up to the most ostentatiously dressed orc you have ever seen. His armor is bright red, it has the blood eye emblem embossed on his breast plate. It actually looks really good. As you are admiring the armor you don't notice that the orc himself is now staring at you. 'I see you know good armor when you spot it mate. I knew that we had spies in the pale skin army but didn't know they were so confident as to walk into Ug Grash. You must have Ko Lash's ear. We can help each other I think. You do me a favor and I'll do you one. I need someone I can trust, someone with a good arm. To prove your skills, go kill 2 Crushing Fist Champions. They can be found in the north tower.'

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