Quest Guide

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Filthy Animals
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 400
Location:City of Xinderoth (8, 33)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
Wandering through this magnificent city you can't help but wonder at what you see. You have simply never seen anything this size before. People bustle past you wrapped up in whatever business they have. Within this huge tide, you see a man standing still in the throng.
The man is finely dressed, he turns to you with obvious rage. 'Wrong?! Of course something is wrong, those disgusting mutts roaming around the city. Befouling the pavement, well I won't have it. The city guard simply isn't doing it's job. You, go get me the head of one of those Xinderoth strays. I want it stuffed and mounted, you will find Ullthur's Preserves south west of here.'

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