Quest Guide

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Stage 1
Minimum Level: 509
Location:Ralthien (Merchant Precinct) (11, 8)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
As you wander the wide plazas of merchant precinct you are irritated by a wealthy merchant addressing you like a servant.
The merchant is taken aback by your haughty manner, 'Well, err yes actually. You are an Outsider. This might prove advantageous for me, it's hard to know who I can trust. I have a problem with an alliance that I have made to a younger family. Unfortunately I may have underestimated the ambition of the Lorvol. I think they have hired a host of house guards to wipe out my family. But I don't have proof so I can't accuse them in open court. Can you 'Question' some of the house guard as see if they have any order on them to attack the Tolkrill.'

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