Quest Guide

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The Rising of the Old
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 960
Location:Karthak (Temple Quarter) (13, 7)
Required Item: SK VIII Medallion
Required Kills: None
You return to the Temple Quarter, it's a relief to come to a place where the Thieves Guild have little hold. In the east side standing in a small plaza a Monk dressed in long white robes waves you over.

'May the Light shine on your path.' He pauses for a moment and smiles at you pleasantly, 'You look like a formidable individual. May I be so bold as to ask if you are with SK Acquisitions, I am waiting for an experienced Hunter from that Guild.'
He takes the Medallion and looks at the notches, 'We know. You have been busy haven't you. This is a good sign. I shall wait until you're ready, then we can discuss the Commission further.' He hands the medallion back to you.

You receive 1 x SK VIII Medallion

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