Stage 1 Minimum Level: 15
Location:Frightening Fort (21, 21)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You encounter a vampire hunter. 'I've been trying cull those Red Dawn vampire abominations, however there are simply too many. Would you be interested in assisting me?' |
'Great! Cull the Red Dawn Vampiress, as they are maintaining the largest infestation in this area. Return here once you have completed the task!' |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 15
Location:Frightening Fort (21, 21)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 45 x Red Dawn Vampiress
You arrive back at the Vampire hunter. 'Ahh, glad to see you made it back alive! Did you manage to cull the cursed Red Dawn Vampiress?' |
'Ahh excellent! Unfortunately in culling the Red Dawn Vampiress we have cleared room for the Vampire Abomination to infest. I need you to cull these terrible abominations before they overwhelm us. Return here once you have culled sufficient numbers.' |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 15
Location:Frightening Fort (21, 21)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 45 x Vampire Abomination
You arrive back at the Vampire Hunter. 'Your skills of survival never cease to amaze me! Glad you made it back alive! Did you manage to cull those abominations?' |
'Excellent! Here, take this as a reward for your success in helping me eliminate the infestation that plagued this area.' The Vampire Hunter hands you a weapon.
You gain 1,009 XP and 'Stake of the Red Dawn'. |