Stage 1 Minimum Level: 1033
Location:Mehteh Ice Floe (Inlet) (11, 11)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
This group of hunters look more professional than the last. They to are trading stories of glory and bravado. One of them spots you and beckons you over. 'You just walked over the Mehteh Ice Floe! You are the bravest person I know, or an idiot. Either way, do you want a job?' |
'That was easy. Here was me thinking that me and the boys here were going to have to persuade you. We has orders to get rid of the Frost Creepers down here. But before you can do that, you need to make a totem from Ice Isopod bits. It's a bit messy, but I'm sure you've seen worse.'
Svart the Creeper Whacker spends a few minutes explaining how to create a Isopod Totem. You will need to collect at least two Isopod Carapaces, an Isopod Brain, and two sets of Isopod Guts. You are going to need a wash after this.
You receive 'Recipe of Isopod Totem' |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 1033
Location:Mehteh Ice Floe (Inlet) (11, 11)
Required Item: Isopod Totem
Required Kills: None
You return to the Hunters and overhear them talking. 'In all honestly, who walks across the Mehteh? Even at this time of year it's suicide. I think that's the last we've seen of them, boys.' |
'Ah, didn't see you there. So you made it back then. Well, let's see your totem.' You hand it to him. 'Not bad, not bad. Right, now you'll be wanting to hunt those nasty Frost Creeper things. They freak me out they do, plants shouldn't be able to do that kind of thing. Basically, all you have to do is use the totem as a lure, then kill 'em when they aren't looking. Think you can handle that?' |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 1033
Location:Mehteh Ice Floe (Inlet) (11, 11)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 50 x Frost Creeper
Once again you return to the group. Again you over hear them. 'No way are they coming back this time. No-one comes back from hunting Frost Creepers. That's why the King has ordered us to try and destroy them, see?' |
Svart jumps and yelps. 'Don't sneak up on me like that. I'll have a heart attack or something. You've done it then? Well, you sure made us look like idiots. Take your reward and get out of here. The King's ordered culls all over the place, if you want to go show up someone else.'
Svart is beginning to get quite angry, so you take this as a sign to leave before any trouble starts. This is strange though. Why would the King order so many culls if they've never been needed before? Perhaps you will find answers further inland.
You receive 'Isopod Carapace Shield' and 6,396,338 Xp. |