Quest Guide

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Watching the Watchmen
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 1071
Location:Trun Tower (3, 4)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
A dwarf is hunched over a large tome, studying it in detail and muttering quietly to himself. He sits back revealing his gold-plated armor and row after row of medals. From the way he clinks when he moves you suspect there are more medals under the beard. 'Hey you, big man! Get over here.'
'Aye, you. Coming in here flaunting your height. I willna stand for it. Yer nearly as bad as those worthless Watchmen I have up here. What self-respecting Trun would allow a bigger like you to just wander in and do as they please? They need to be taught a lesson. Go out there and give as many of them a slap from me as you can.'

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