Quest Guide

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What's in a Name? (Epic)
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 17
Location:Dreg Swamp Depths (8, 8)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You enter the Depths of the Dreg Swamp. All around you screams of anguish and malice weave through the waterlogged trees. You keep to the twisting path, not trusting the surrounding mire. Within the murky darkness you see a strange figure standing in a wide clearing.
As you draw closer to the figure you are shocked to discover that it appears to be made of molten tar. As the Creature turns it's gaze upon you, terror grips your throat and threatens to overwhelm you. You draw your weapon and stand your ground struggling to take a breath.

The Creature looks at you closely, then starts to laugh. In a low voice it says, 'I see you have drawn your weapon. I am impressed that you do not run from me. Most do so and die like the cowards they are. I rarely find someone of your kind of interest, but I admit that you are. What is it that you want of me?'

Through an act of sheer will you force your eyes from the Creature and look at the cold waters swirling your feet. You manage to croak through your constricting throat, 'I have been sent to find out who has been building the Fire Golems. We do not believe the legend that they come from a volcano...' You gasp for air and the Creature before you nods. It gurgles in it's deep voice, 'Many just believe what has been told before, I am amused that you do not. I will tell you that you are correct. That the Golems are built by our hands, but I shall not tell you for what purpose that is. If you would do me a favor I will tell you more. One favor deserves another, bring me a Screaming Whisp Skull and we shall converse some more. You may leave now Mortal.

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