Quest Guide

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New Technologies and Old Horrors
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 1180
Location:Valgotic Halls (Engine Construction Yard) (12, 10)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
Standing alone in the center of the Engine Construction Yard is an Old Dwarf leaning heavily on a stick. When he see's you he immediately waved you over.
When you get closer you see the frailty of him. He looks almost skeletal, you are amazed he can even stand. But his eyes are as sharp as ever, you see crafty cunning in them. He leans in and whispers, 'You are an enemy of the Valgotic I see. You do not have their crazed glaze to your eye and are carrying a well worn weapon by your side. I can use that. My people have forgotten their heritage and have been blinded by the clever words of strangers. I now see that my people have fallen under the seduction of the Shadow Lord and my heart breaks with sorrow and shame.

'They have lost their minds to the hunger of power, they have even created an abomination with the delusion that it is progress. But it is an old horror that they have unleashed onto the Realms. We must put a stop to it. The new Engine is hidden in the Engine Hanger, I have not even seen it but I know it's nature. Now come with me and destroy it before my people put the Prototype into full production. If the prototype fails so early in it's development cycle it will dent the Valgotic Pride so much that they will abandon the works.'

He points wrinkled finger at a huge Golem as it strides past, 'That is the weapon of our heritage. Powerful Golems crush our enemies. They will not let us enter the Engine Hanger, you must destroy 350 Shadow Mithril Shield Golem's before we can gain entry. I know it's a lot, but it must be done, now go and may Gurgriss guide your hand.'

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