Stage 1 Minimum Level: 1200
Location:Grimvorne Manor (11, 17)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You find yourself in Grimvorne Manor. Having entered the buildiing after hearing screams and bellows you are a little surprised to meet a man simply standing, staring at the chaos. |
The fellow jumps and yells at you 'Don't DO that! Can't you see the inmates are incontrol here?' You ask what is happening and if there is any way you can help. |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 1200
Location:Grimvorne Manor (11, 17)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
The fellow looks at you. 'You want to help?' |
'Oh. Excellent. I am a Ghost Hunter and Exorcist. First we need to exorcise the Warders. Use this rune. It shall allow you to drive the spirits out, which will force them to disperse. Meet back here one you have exorcised the Warders.'
You receive 'Rune of Exorcism' |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 1200
Location:Grimvorne Manor (11, 17)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 50 x Grimvorne Possessed Warder
You meet the Ghost Hunter. Have you exorcised the Warders?' |
'Excellent. Unfortunately, they'll be in no state to deal with their wayward charges! You'll have to deal with them. You ought to have a Warder Pacifier after freeing so many of them. You'll have to knock all the inmates out!' |
Stage 4 Minimum Level: 1200
Location:Grimvorne Manor (11, 17)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 150 x Grimvorne Inmate
Once again, you return to the Exocist. 'Have you sorted out the inmates?' |
'Excellent. Our work here is done then. I was able to get this from the kitchen. A meager reward for your help but what can you do? Farewell Warrior!'
You receive 'Halloween Toffee Apple' and 4,316,401 XP. |